Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things I will miss about Australia

Kookaburra's laugh
the thin ozone layer
the sun always shining
cool road sign
aussie slang
people knowing what I mean when I say things like "oi" and "stuff you"
at the end of a word A=er and ER=a
easygoing people
crazy aborignals in the downtown mall
the sunday market
constant warmth
easy job
being a tourist
colorful money
Toohey's and XXXX
the kitchen lady that says "hello there doll/love, how ya going?"
making friends at hostels from all around the world
scuba diving
aussie mates

and I suppose I could keep going but that might be more than you want to read above. I'll miss it, but nothing is going to keep me from going back someday. I'll be down under again someday.

This is probably going to be my written post, I may update occasionally with pictures though. Hope everyone enjoyed reading about my crazy times south of the equator.

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