Xena Bird The dingo ate my baby! the lazy kangaroo that ate from my hand BIRD (say it like Bambi says it) look how pretty! Dan allowing a baby kanga to make his hand its lunch.
There has been so much that that happened in these past several days. To start I would like to point out how Australians are much more loose with their language than Americans are. Informality is a big thing here. Everyone says "how ya going" to people they just meet. It's not above anyone to hear cussing from someone like a bus driver or a faculty member at a university.
The upperclassman (fossils) have some pretty interesting traditions. For example, as a new student (fresher) I have been wearing a pair of purple little girl jocks my head with my name on them. I have seen people from other halls wearing helmets, bandannas, bibs, etc. Our hall chant follows the rules of Australian language to the extreme (its straight up vulgar). Last night around 4 am we were woken up by all the fossils banging on our doors blasting techno music. They marched us all around campus having us scream our chant. Finally an hour later we were allowed to go back to bed.
It is still orientation week here and we have had plenty of hall gatherings and interuni events. Everything seems to be not very time based here. There have been times posted for various events and activities on campus, but the aussies seem to not have a strict timetable. They seem to do things at somewhat their own pace. Another thing I've noticed, is that everyone seems to be willing to have a light conversation with you. I've talked to tons of people, but only for a few minutes and then they disappear off to do something else. I don't mind it so much, but I do wish I had more of the consistant interaction where I can be mates with the many people I have met.
Yesterday was my most relaxing day here. I went down to the Strand with three of my American friends and we sat on the beach, read, swam, got dinner, ate ice cream. The scenery of the area surrounding the Pacific Ocean is beautiful aka I took lots of pictures. I equated it to lazing about on the beach for the day but I can go there whenever I want so I'll be in vacation mode for the next four months.
More to come of course. I'll get pictures up this weekend!
Hey all. I'm finally in Australia and living the good life. I love it so far. Getting here was a bit rough. Traveling on Friday the 13th turned out to be not so lucky, go figure. My entire trip from Pittsburgh to Townsville took around 37 hours total. The ride from the States to Australia was great. QANTAS airline treats you like royalty so the 16 hour plane ride was not terrible. It was more after that where things turned sour.
I flew into Melbourne and had to go through customs and recheck my baggage, which caused me to be late for my flight to Brisbane. When I got to Brisbane I waited for awhile for my plane to Townsville. The flight was supposed to leave at 4:25 and we boarded around 5:30. Finally, when I arrived in Townsville, I found out that my luggage had been put on 2 separate flights. I got picked up from the airport from an interesting character and he took me to my residence, where I promptly fell asleep from a LONG day of travel.
The next day my bags arrived and were driven to my dorm building (University "Uni" Hall). I showered off 2 days of filth, but I felt I needed another shower no less than 10 minutes later. Here it is the wet season and it has rained more this month than it usually does all year. Therefore, the humidity level is sky high and add that to 90 degree heat and you have Townsville in February!
My room here is amazing. I have a small balcony outside my room and double doors leading to it. I've kept them open as much as I can, which causes a number of unexpected visitors. For example, I came back from the bathroom (which is co-ed) and found a tiny lizard on my ceiling, two moths under my desk light and a number of misquitos flying about my bed. I'm enjoying the openness though. The view outside my window is beautiful. There are tons of palm trees, a flowering tree, and a mountain in the not so far away distance.
The accent here is unbelievable too. I'm surprised I can understand half of what these aussies say. Its terrible. In fact I'm pretty sure I got jipped at the tavern last night when I bought a mixed drink. The tavern was an interesting experience. I met a number of colorful Australians. One guy was a pool repairman, I believe around 45 years old. I also met two guys that had been in the Australian armed forces that, I'm pretty sure kept buying me drinks just to keep me around to listen to their shinanigans. I had a great time!
Here at my University, it is Orientation (O') Week. Each hall seems to have its own events and then a number of school wide events. For example, I have the opportunity to go to the Great Barrier Reef on Thursday. Unfortunately, unlike American colleges nothing is provided. You have to pay for EVERYTHING. I'm actually worried about my bank account so I'm trying to get a job sometime this week.
Classes don't start for another week. I'll be updating again around then on everything that happens during O' week and the start of actual school! G'day mates!
Exactly one week from today I'll be packing up and leaving Pittsburgh for my ultimate destination in Townsville, Queensland. I'm not exactly sure how long my flight will be. I have all the times written down, but I haven't taken the time to figure out all the time changes. A rough estimate, I'd say I'll be waiting in airports and riding on planes for something like 28 hours total. Just recently, I started seeing the word Australia EVERYWHERE. Majority of the time I'm looking at my passport that says United States of Australia for a split second. I'm basically too excited to even be part of reality. I'll be visiting good ol' Allegheny for my last weekend in the U.S. I might even go to Canada before I leave. I'm not sure I could handle 3 countries in one weeks time, though! Other than that I have nothing to do but pack and work a couple days and I'm outta here!